HTB 714S

Antal/Forp: 1 stk

Størrelse: 4 x 3 cm

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Det kosmiske hjul er en keltisk knude, som symboliserer det evige liv. Kosmos har været grundlag for vores liv siden bronzealderen. Da alt har en cyklus; Livet, døgnet, naturen o.s.v. har dette haft en stor betydning for vores samliv. Kosmos symboliseres ved den uendelige knude, da den ingen ende har (infinity).

Med tiden fik den betydning af treenigheden: Livet (Fortid, Nutid og Fremtid), Asatro (Asgård, Midgård og Udgård), Hedenskab (Jord, Hav og Himmel) og Kristendom (Faderen, Sønnen og Helligånden).

Det kosmiske hjul symboliserer intuition for den spirituelle verden.

The cosmic wheel is a celtic knot, which symbolizes eternal life. Cosmos has been the basis of our life since the Bronze Age. Since everything has a cycle; Life, the day, nature, etc. This have had a big impact on our cohabitation. The cosmos is symbolized by the infinite knot, since it has no end (infinity).

Over time, it became meaningful to the trinity: Life (Past, Present, and Future), Asabelive (Asgaard, Midgaard and Udgaard), Paganism (Earth, Sea and Sky) and Christianity (the Father, the Son, and the Holy spirit).

The cosmic wheel symbolizes intuition for the spiritual world.